
Reports by Others

Republished from other news outlets

Gains and disappointments from COP26, and now to tend to the gaps

The U.N. climate summit led to some incremental progress, but the path forward is still riddled with chasms that need to be bridged. A review of the meeting’s biggest outcomes and the emission-reduction challenges that remain.

Yale Climate Connections November 17, 2021

Glasgow’s challenge: There’s still time to fix the climate – about 11 years

Aggressive policies, enacted now, can extend the deadline to prevent the worst catastrophes associated with a 1.5 C temperature rise. Nations have roughly till 2032 at current emissions rates before reaching that threshold.

Scientific American November 1, 2021

The polluting elite: Research spotlights why the climate needs ‘radical’ lifestyle changes

You may not feel able to fight global warming on your own. But government policy nudges could help wealthy consumers shift to greener lifestyles, says a new report from Germany.

Thomson Reuters Foundation October 15, 2021

‘A lot of impatience’: Youth climate protesters return to the streets

Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future movement has resumed mass street protests for the first time since the pandemic began.

Thomson Reuters Foundation September 27, 2021

My lengthy battle to abandon fossil fuels: A British journalist’s personal account

How easy is it for one person to go carbon-neutral in the U.K.? Not all that easy, it seems. Paul Brown, an editor of Climate News Network and former Guardian correspondent, describes his long effort.

Climate News Network September 9, 2021

Waste plastic deluge may soon prove irreversible, European researchers warn

The enormous volume of plastic waste fouling the world’s beaches and waters – 9 to 23 metric tons per year – could be nearing a tipping point and represent a toxic time bomb in aquatic ecosystems.

Climate News Network August 4, 2021

Rich nations ‘must consign coal power to history,’ UK COP26 president says

The next U.N. climate conference, COP26, will be held this fall in Scotland. It aims to spur more ambitious emission-cutting pledges than nations made in the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit warming to 2 degrees C.

Reuters July 22, 2021

Report: All new cars and trucks in US could be electric by 2035

Electricity could power the nation’s entire new car and truck fleet by 2035 ... but only with “robust” policies in place.

Yale Climate Connections May 7, 2021

Human activity – including climate change – has altered Earth’s spin on its axis

The planet may not catch fire, but climate change really has altered the planet's spin as it rounds the sun. Chinese scientists calculated that ice-cap and glacial melting has shifted the weight of the global water storage system.

Climate News Network May 7, 2021

Gulf Coast oil workers are building America’s offshore wind industry

More than a decade after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Gulf Coast oil workers are transitioning into offshore wind. Florida, Texas and Louisiana rank second, third and fourth in offshore wind potential.

Drilled News April 22, 2021

The good news about climate change: There’s still hope

With warming environments, landscapes are shifting. But life is still abundant. Building new relationships with the landscapes around us can let humans and other species survive.

Capital & Main April 22, 2021

Crises collide: Homeless in America when climate disaster strikes

For the homeless, natural disasters prove torturous for more than the obvious fact that it's worse to be outside than inside during a storm.

NBC News April 22, 2021

Climate change will deepen rich-poor global divide, top economists warn

The most severe climate impacts will be felt in developing nations, due to factors like high dependence on agriculture and vulnerability to extreme heat, a new survey showed.

Thomson Reuters Foundation April 7, 2021

One billion people live in cities shifting away from fossil fuels

More than 1,300 cities have set targets or introduced policies to boost renewable energy, while a small but growing number are banning the use of climate-heating fuels.

Thomson Reuters Foundation March 24, 2021

Longer summers will probably prove to be bummers, a new study suggests

By the century’s end, longer summers could last for almost half the year – probably a bit too long for many of us – if climate-disrupting pollution is not curbed, the researchers concluded.

Climate News Network March 18, 2021

Why the power went out in Texas … and why other states are vulnerable too

The U.S. electric grid is uniquely susceptible to power outages, a problem expected to get worse with climate change.

Yale Climate Connections February 22, 2021

State climate action unlikely after Democrats fail to flip statehouses

The elections dimmed prospects for sweeping climate initiatives as Republicans held off Democratic takeovers of statehouses. The best hope for bold moves lies with legislatures already controlled by Democrats.

Stateline November 24, 2020

Mass migrations expected to increase as world warms, researchers say

Climate change now drives mass migration, which will only worsen unless governments take global heating seriously. A review of 30 studies shows no one factor prompts migration, but environmental hazards have major influence.

Climate News Network September 30, 2020

The cascade of plastic waste entering the oceans could triple in 20 years

In a throwaway world, some discards are forever. New research in the journal Science measures the crisis of plastic garbage, projecting it could reach 29 million tons – 110 pounds for every meter of shoreline worldwide.

Climate News Network August 4, 2020

An increasingly arid future faces the American West, scientists say

"The impact of warming on the West’s river flows, soils and forests is now unequivocal," they wrote. "There is a clear longer-term trend toward greater aridification, a trend that only climate action can stop."

Climate News Network May 31, 2020

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