Southwest’s monsoon season may heat up with the climate. Science News

Corps of Engineers concludes $10.3 billion, 98-mile-long Morganza to the Gulf levee is ‘economically justified.’ New Orleans Times-Picayune

Oklahoma senators embrace disaster aid after opposing Sandy relief bill. Reuters

$30 million crude oil terminal at Port of New Orleans to start receiving shipments next week. New Orleans Times-Picayune

Monster Oklahoma tornado kills 51. USA Today

How does global warming affect tornadoes? Associated Press

Wells dry, fertile plains turn to dust. New York Times

Louisiana’s bayou is sinking: can $50 billion save it? National Geographic Daily News

New Mexico, El Paso farmers cut crops, use wells in drought. El Paso Times

Arkansas residents sick from Exxon oil spill are on their own. InsideClimate News

Encroaching sea already a threat in Caribbean. Associated Press

Louisiana House votes to phase out solar energy tax credits by 2020. New Orleans Times-Picayune

Hydrofracking could strain western water resources, study finds. New York Times