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other reports-beyond-7/12

Livestock groups seek drought relief with ethanol waiver. Reuters Koch-funded climate change skeptic reverses course. Los Angeles Times New breed of ranchers shapes a sustainable West. Christian Science Monitor Extreme drought areas in US nearly triple in one week. TreeHugger Study: Many US cities unprepared for future heat waves. Washington Post Storms threaten ozone layer over US, study says. New York Times Rise in weather extremes threatens infrastructure. New York Times Drought to drive up food prices next year, US says. New York Times Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July. Guardian

More Climate News July 6, 2012

other reports-texas-6/12

Texas grid sets June power record, urges conservation. Reuters Drought still leading to underground water problems. Austin American-Statesman 100-degree day puts Galveston in uncharted territory. Houston Chronicle Low lake levels affect visitors and residents. KRIS Austin Energy wraps up solar project. KXAN Houston's water woes connected to old pipes. Houston Chronicle CPS dedicates solar complex. San Antonio Express-News Rice growers fear aid is drying up. Houston Chronicle

More Climate News June 11, 2012

other reports-region-6/12

BP oil spill hastened loss of Louisiana marshes, study says. Washington Post Goodbye to mountain forests? New York Times Chesapeake and rival plotted to suppress land prices. Reuters Dangerous wildfires spread to Colorado tourist centers. Associated Press Energy-saving solar panels crop up in new Central City homes. New Orleans Times-Picayune US raises $1.7 billion in Gulf oil leases. MarketWatch Chesapeake names new chairman. Oklahoman 13,000 Gulf oil spill settlement claims filed in first 2 weeks. New Orleans Times-Picayune

More Climate News June 11, 2012

other reports-beyond-6/12

Court backs EPA on emissions rules for greenhouse gases. New York Times Midwest's dry spell threatens to intensify. Wall Street Journal Rio+20 Earth Summit results in nonbinding declaration with moderate goals. Washington Post Sea rise faster on East Coast than rest of globe. Associated Press California faces more serious risk of sea level rise than other areas. San Jose Mercury News Heat wave blankets Northeast for 2nd day. Reuters A global shift toward obesity has serious climate consequences – study. ClimateWire Interior needs to strengthen fracking rules: lawmakers. Reuters

More Climate News June 11, 2012

other reports-texas-5/12

Galveston needs people in wake of Ike recovery. Associated Press Texas farmers use business wile to weather drought. Associated Press Report raises concerns about Texas' electricity supply. Texas Tribune Austin could seek $275 million in bonds for initial urban rail line. Austin American-Statesman Oil and gas link to Texas earthquakes studied. ThinkProgress Conserving water a daily chore for one Central Texas community. KUT 2012 off to hottest start for Houston, Galveston. Houston Chronicle Matagorda County coal plant developer fights new EPA rules. Houston Chronicle With the Rio Grande dry, El Paso turns to alternatives. Texas Tribune LCRA selling some water downstream, but not to rice farmers. Austin American-Statesman

More Climate News May 3, 2012

other reports-region-5/12

Menacing tiger shrimp are prowling the waters of the Gulf. New Orleans Times-Picayune Wildfires hit six US states, small towns evacuated. Reuters Wildfires burn across Southwest US amid historic drought conditions. Guardian Western US faces 'extreme' wildfire risk now and later. Climate Central 19 climate models project extreme, persistent drought in Mexico, Central America. Inter Press Service Louisiana House approves 50-year plan for restoring coast. New Orleans Times-Picayune Mexican wind energy boom plays out on gusty shores. Reuters Mexico’s Congress passes climate change bill. Climate Law Blog

More Climate News May 3, 2012

other reports-beyond-5/12

Climate change, sea level rise spurring beach erosion. Climate Central Climate armageddon: How the world's weather could quickly run amok. Scientific American US cut its carbon emissions in 2011 — but China erased the gains. Washington Post Sea-level rise poses expensive questions for New York City. ClimateWire Germany's energy revolution stalls without decisiveness and incentives. Spiegel 150,000 more US heat deaths projected by 2100. Reuters Early season heat wave for memorial day weekend. Climate Central Apple to use only green power for main data center. Reuters US slaps tariffs on Chinese solar panels. New York Times

More Climate News May 3, 2012

other reports-texas-4/12

Two-year-old YouTube comment leads EPA official to resign. Atlantic Wire Stage Two watering rules begin as San Antonio's drought deepens. KENS Summer forecast: not as hot as 2011. Austin American Statesman How one man's flaming water fired up a battle between Texas and the EPA. Dallas Observer Tropical diseases surfacing more in Texas. Houston Chronicle Texas regulators give approval to bury nuke waste. Associated Press Texas Army bases go green, but challenges remain. Texas Tribune City of El Paso issues green challenge to businesses. El Paso Times Austin City Council to form solar committee. Austin American-Statesman

More Climate News April 2, 2012

other reports-region-4/12

Warm spring may mean drought and wildfires in West. National Geographic Daily News Heat wave bakes West, wets marks & hits high note of 113. Climate Central Mississippi Public Service Commission approves coal-fired power plant. Associated Press Inside Mexico's climate revolution. BBC Spilled BP oil lingers on Louisiana coast. New Orleans Times-Picayune Regulatory overhaul may be Gulf oil spill's legacy. New Orleans Times-Picayune Investigation: Two years after the BP spill, a hidden health crisis festers. Nation In time of drought, Mexico's Tarahumara turn to tradition. New America Media

More Climate News April 2, 2012

other reports-beyond-4/12

Wind farms may have warming effect: research. Reuters Study hints at greater threat of extreme weather. New York Times Climate change has intensified the global water cycle. Climate Central Koch-backed group hits Obama on green energy waste. Reuters Insurance companies face increased risks from warming. Yale Environment 360 Wind credit stalls despite bipartisan support. Politico Rising seas threaten hundreds of US energy facilities. Climate Central New proposed Keystone XL pipeline route unveiled. Associated Press EPA caps emissions at gas and oil wells. New York Times

More Climate News April 2, 2012

other reports-texas-3/12

Texas farmers watered crops, knowing that they wouldn't grow. Texas Tribune Texas officials approve radioactive waste dump. Associated Press Despite recent rains, drought far from over, experts warn. Austin American-Statesman Texas lawmakers mull water options for state. Texas Tribune Texas officials approve radioactive waste dump. Associated Press State struggling to find funds for water plan. San Antonio Express-News Drought cost Texas close to $8 billion in agricultural losses in 2011, study finds. Austin American-Statesman Looks like another bad year for Monarch butterflies. Houston Chronicle Agenda 21 prompts 'wild accusations.' Houston Chronicle

More Climate News March 5, 2012

other reports-region-3/12

Coral death 'definitively' linked to BP spill. Associated Press Gulf dolphins exposed to oil are seriously ill, agency says. New York Times Coastal authority approves 50-year, $50 billion master plan. New Orleans Times-Picayune In Oklahoma, Obama declares pipeline support. New York Times Stubborn drought expected to tax Mexico for years. Reuters As climate changes, Louisiana seeks to lift a highway. Washington Post The Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans gives new meaning to 'urban growth.' New York Times Mississippi court ends global warming suit. Forbes

More Climate News March 5, 2012

other reports-beyond-3/12

EPA imposes first greenhouse gas limits on new power plants. Washington Post Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point. New Scientist Has global warming brought an early summer to the US? New Scientist Global warming close to becoming irreversible - scientists. Reuters Earth warming faster than expected. ScienceNOW San Francisco fights erosion as coastal cities watch closely. New York Times US heat 'unprecedented,' 7,000 records set or tied. Reuters New wind tower guidelines aim to lower bird deaths. Associated Press US. intelligence report warns of global water tensions. New York Times

More Climate News March 5, 2012

other reports-texas-2/12

Texas drought eases, but it's too late for some. Climate Central In Texas, ConocoPhillips and other plants strive to conserve water but look into groundwater just in case. Texas Tribune Texas Supreme Court rules for landowners in water case. Texas Tribune Texas becomes a battleground in Keystone XL pipeline controversy. Fort Worth Star-Telegram Texas agency likely to cut water to rice farms. Associated Press UT 'fracking' study dispels one drilling worry, raises others. Fort Worth Star-Telegram After rains, lakes see biggest rise since drought began. Austin American-Statesman Drought still haunts Texas' water supply. Texas Observer

More Climate News February 3, 2012

other reports-region-2/12

Dozens of dead marine mammals, turtles in Gulf this year, NOAA says. New Orleans Times-Picayune New Orleans trees show nation's steepest dropoff. New Orleans Times-Picayune Oklahoma bill tackles 'controversial' science education. New Scientist Mexico and U.S. agree on oil and gas development in Gulf. New York Times For Mexico City, a repurposed landfill. New York Times Louisiana coastal restoration money could grow, shrink in Congress. New Orleans Times-Picayune The Water Institute of the Gulf formed to coordinate research on restoring Louisiana coast. New Orleans Times-Picayune Solar project on French Quarter home is still lacking juice. New Orleans Times-Picayune

More Climate News February 3, 2012

other reports-beyond-2/12

Canadian firm to proceed with southern leg of Keystone pipeline. Los Angeles Times Amid winter blooms, wondering what that means for spring. New York Times Tornado season looms, but forecasting a challenge. Associated Press How climate change could be the ruin of Los Angeles. The Atlantic Cities New report reveals vast stores of Alaska shale oil and gas. Alaska Dispatch Bug season already? Warm winter may draw them out. USA Today Activist says he lied to obtain climate papers. New York Times Record £2.8m fine for chemical plant emissions shames oil giant ExxonMobil. Scotsman

More Climate News February 3, 2012

other reports-texas-1/12

Boom in wind power may be headed for a bust. Fort Worth Star-Telegram Activists want climate change on TV weather reports. Houston Chronicle Spicewood Beach and neighbors getting water trucked in. Austin American-Statesman City of Midland to get new water source to help with severe drought. KWES Water sales increase in drought. San Angelo Standard-Times Pecan Street's aim: Create path for consumers into smart grid's future. Austin American-Statesman UTEP using sun to power campus. KTSM Move over Koch Brothers, San Antonio's Valero Energy is working overtime to stop climate-change legislation and keep the future oily. San Antonio Current Brazos battle pits water supplier against environmentalists, growers and industry. Houston Chronicle

More Climate News January 4, 2012

other reports-region-1/12

Louisiana scientists working on plan to save coastline, fight global warming. New Orleans Times-Picayune The 'wind rush': Green energy blows trouble into Mexico. Christian Science Monitor Deepwater Gulf, not shale, will drive long-term expansion of U.S. crude production – EIA chief. Greenwire Wind power bought as part of pact over Ark. plant. Associated Press As the climate dries, Mexico's milk region faces arsenic threat. Reuters Climate plan aims to help ecosystems adapt to change. Santa Fe New Mexican Oklahoma drought leads to abandoned livestock. Associated Press Louisiana panel OKs $81.6 million for projects to restore wetlands. New Orleans Times-Picayune Louisiana coastal restoration, hurricane levee spending plan proposed. New Orleans Times-Picayune

More Climate News January 4, 2012

other reports-beyond-1/12

California orders hike in number of super clean cars. Los Angeles Times New data not so sunny on US natural gas supply. New York Times Internet criticism pushes china to act on pollution. New York Times Wind: Obama admin sweats legal response as turbines kill birds. Greenwire New map for what to plant reflects global warming. Associated Press Obama pledges new efforts on clean energy. Agence France-Presse State of the Union: Obama opens public land and waters to energy industry. Environment News Service Obama pushes natural-gas fracking to create 600,000 jobs. Bloomberg Report: Wind turbines don’t cause health problems. Boston Globe

More Climate News January 4, 2012

other reports-texas-12/11

TCEQ, report's editors reach deal on climate change data. Houston Chronicle Texas rejects Valero’s tax break request, denying potential $92 million refund. Associated Press Texas greens cheer new EPA mercury rules. Texas Tribune Censored scientist John Anderson on how to restore sound policy-making in Texas and (maybe) save the Texas coast. San Antonio Current Texas tops 10 states ravaged by extreme weather in 2011. Climate Central ERCOT says Luminant can shut two Monticello power units in Texas without jeopardizing grid's transmission stability. Dallas Morning News (subscription) Building codes to tighten across Texas. Texas Tribune Texas drought takes cow numbers down by 600K. Associated Press Whooping crane lawsuit far from decided. Corpus Christi Caller-Times State OKs 50-year water plan. Associated Press

More Climate News December 6, 2011

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