Mysterious East Coast flooding was caused by ‘unprecedented’ surge in sea level. Washington Post

Obama vetoes bill pushing pipeline approval. New York Times

Shell shelves plan for tar sands project in face of low oil prices. Guardian

Oil industry takes aim at California’s war on carbon. Sacramento Bee

Think of Earth, not just your stomach, panel advises. Washington Post

White House: Oil price drop won’t derail climate push. National Journal

Hot January extends run of record worldwide warmth. Sydney Morning Herald

Catholic group launches global climate-focused Lenten fast. National Catholic Reporter

Shell boss calls on big oil to join climate change fight. Responding to Climate Change

Rising sea levels are already making Miami’s floods worse. Wired

UK party leaders make joint climate commitment. BBC

House sends Keystone bill to White House doom. Politico

Why do many reasonable people doubt science? National Geographic

Ancient climate records ‘back predictions’. BBC

EPA Keystone review links oil sands to carbon emission jump. Bloomberg

In major shift, Obama administration will plan for rising seas in all federal projects. Washington Post

Miami-Dade County takes reins on climate change. Miami Herald