State of the State: Perry calls for tax relief, investing in water, roads. Austin American-Statesman
LCRA drought plan OK’d by state agency. Austin American-Statesman
Texas A&M part of project to harvest wind energy in the Valley. Bryan Eagle
Houston powers up car charging, though few are plugging in at city spots. Houston Chronicle
TCEQ to join new air alliance, one composed of states that have squabbled with EPA. Austin American-Statesman
More wind power is heading CPS’ way. San Antonio Express-News
Drought, low snowfall may limit El Paso region’s water supply. El Paso Times
At meeting in Austin, a confluence of atmospheric science and spirituality. Austin American-Statesman
Wichita Falls revisits water reuse. Wichita Falls Times Record News
USDA includes 157 Texas counties as drought, heat disaster areas. Associated Press
Google sinks $200 million into Texas wind farm. Houston Chronicle
With irrigation water unlikely, farmers want reservoirs. Houston Chronicle
San Antonio Water System wants a new law on groundwater. San Antonio Express-News
Panel says Austin should pursue more rooftop solar. Austin American-Statesman
Supreme court will hear Texas-Oklahoma water case. Texas Tribune
Water conservation ideas offered for Texas Legislature. Texas Tribune
Future dims for incandescent bulb, despite Texas’ unique law. Austin American-Statesman
Sea swallowing Galveston faster than thought. Houston Chronicle
Austin starts pilot program for curbside compost collection. Austin American-Statesman