Livestock groups seek drought relief with ethanol waiver. Reuters
Koch-funded climate change skeptic reverses course. Los Angeles Times
New breed of ranchers shapes a sustainable West. Christian Science Monitor
Extreme drought areas in US nearly triple in one week. TreeHugger
Study: Many US cities unprepared for future heat waves. Washington Post
Storms threaten ozone layer over US, study says. New York Times
Rise in weather extremes threatens infrastructure. New York Times
Drought to drive up food prices next year, US says. New York Times
Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July. Guardian
Frackers fund university research that proves their case. Bloomberg
Environmentalists target 5 Republicans who question humans’ impact on climate. Washington Post
As climate change worsens, elderly face deadly heat. Climate Central
Christie signs bill to encourage solar-energy growth. Philadelphia Inquirer
EPA to review mercury rule on new power plants. Reuters
Study: Bacteria outbreak due to ocean warming. Reuters
Severe drought expected to worsen across the nation. New York Times
How droughts will reshape the United States. Washington Post
Greenland glacier loses large mass of ice. Washington Post
Drought now grips more than half of the nation. Associated Press
For climbers, risks now shift with every step. New York Times
Drought threatens to darken Obama reelection prospects. Christian Science Monitor
US declares the largest natural disaster area ever due to drought. Atlantic Wire
Post-Stanford poll finds more Americans believe climate change is happening. Washington Post
Cap and trade resurrected? Some states awaken to its economic benefits. InsideClimate News
New research rebuts fracking-global warming connection. Bloomberg
US completes warmest 12-month period in 117 years. Washington Post
Continental US breaks heat record in first half of 2012. Reuters
Scientists attribute extreme weather to man-made climate change. Guardian
California approves high-speed rail project after years of debate. San Jose Mercury News
Was climate-change poll biased? Washington Post
Campaign aims to counter oil sands criticism. Houston Chronicle
Heat wave: Midwest plain ‘out of whack’ as records shatter. Los Angeles Times
Temperatures soar as heat wave continues. New York Times
Heat wave, fires have climate change activists going on the offensive. The Hill
Washington’s Hell Week puts climate change back on the radar. Washington Post
Midwest can’t get relief from oppressive heat. US News and World Report
Historic heat wave marches on as drought expands. Climate Central
North Carolina lawmakers reject sea level rise predictions. Reuters
Rise in sea level can’t be stopped: scientists. Reuters
Storms leave 3 million without power. New York Times
Greenland ice sheet melt nearing critical ‘tipping point.’ Climate Central