EPA targets air pollution from gas drilling boom. Associated Press
EPA again delays stricter smog rules. Houston Chronicle
Debt ceiling impasse could hit clean energy hard. Climate Post
Automakers, Obama administration agree on fuel efficiency standards through 2025. Washington Post
As global temps rise, more companies begin adapting to a warmer world. Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media
Climate change forcing buried toxics back into atmosphere, scientists say. SolveClimate News
Alarming ‘dead zone’ grows in the Chesapeake. Washington Post
Flood-prone land likely to increase by 45% – a major challenge to federal insurance program. ClimateWire
Massive heat wave spreads across United States. Reuters
Hot nights can compound danger from heat waves. Associated Press
Hot nights and high humidity set this heat wave apart. Climate Central
Limbaugh: Heat index is a liberal government conspiracy. Grist
Mayor Bloomberg gives $50 million to fight coal-fired power plants. Washington Post
Study: Changes to ocean expected to damage shellfish around world. CNN.com
Mitt Romney: Carbon not a health threat. Politico
House votes to withhold funding for light bulb law. New York Times
Violent storms make 2011 ‘one for the record books,’ insurance price hikes under way. ClimateWire
AEP halts carbon capture plan due climate inaction. Reuters
Economists find flaws in federal estimate of climate damage. Daily Climate
Unrelenting heat alters routines across the US. New York Times
House GOP fails to repeal light bulb efficiency requirement. Los Angeles Times
Drought spreads pain from Florida to Arizona. New York Times
Australian government sets a price on carbon emissions. Environment News Service
Raging wildfires: Climate changes to blame for record season? Christian Science Monitor
Ocean carbon sinks feeling the heat. CNN
South’s ‘extreme drought’ could be felt at supermarkets soon. Christian Science Monitor
Montana spill illustrates climate-related risks to pipelines. Climate Central
Study: Incandescent light bulb ban would save $12.5 billion. Bloomberg
Millions of African climate refugees desperate for food, water. Environment News Service
Insect attacks among threats to US forests, worsened by drought, climate change. Associated Press
Warmer is the new normal: NOAA. Earthweek
UN reports surging investments in renewable energy. Associated Press
Trash trucks fueled by ‘trash gas’: a growing trend. Los Angeles Times
EPA clamps down on pollution spoiling air downwind. Associated Press
Cap-and-trade policies losing steam. Politico
NH Gov. Lynch vetoes plan to opt out of greenhouse initiative. Reuters
Climate talks put heat on Obama. Politico
Warmer temperatures may threaten California vineyards, study says. Los Angeles Times
US-EU showdown over airline emissions begins today. ClimateWire
EPA grants biomass a final reprieve from CO2 rules. Greenwire
Why global temperatures held steady for 10 years. New Scientist
Afrcian drought in Sudan and Somalia breeds famine and bloodshed. Daily Beast
New vehicle rules to curb greenhouse gas emissions spark debate. Washington Post
Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought. Associated Press