Would New Orleans levees hold for a second Katrina? Christian Science Monitor
Obama commits to revival of Gulf Coast. Associated Press
Sewage could spawn hurricane protection, wetland growth in New Orleans. National Geographic
Risk-talking rises as oil rigs in Gulf drill deeper. New York Times
Oil spill adds to housing woes for Katrina victims. Shreveport Times
Corps: New Orleans levee upgrades nearly ready. Associated Press
Report: Wilderness areas good for economy. Las Cruces Sun-News
Experts: Drilling ban may not be needed any more. Associated Press
Shrimp and Petroleum Fest takes on different, historic meaning this year. Houma Today
After the leak, restoring the Gulf Coast. New York Times
Job losses over drilling ban fail to materialize. New York Times
Bacteria are gobbling gulf oil. Science
Shrimping group wants fishing moratoriums lifted. Baton Rouge Advocate
Gulf residents struggle in aftermath of oil spill. Associated Press
Moratorium job losses haven’t yet materialized. Lafayette Daily Advertiser
BP oil spill disaster could end up working in favor of coastal restoration. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Wind turbine plant may spur offshore wind energy development. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Program under way for renewable power generation. Associated Press
Rebuilding New Orleans: Katrina 5 years later. American Public Media
NM Republicans are cool on global warming, climate change legislation. New Mexico Independent
Wind farm planned in southern NM. KOAT
Oil plume is not breaking down fast, study says. New York Times
Sand berm defense against oil from Gulf of Mexico spill gets $60 million financing installment. New Orleans Times-Picayune
NM watchdog group sues to halt plutonium factory. Victoria Advocate
BP pays millions in mental-health aid. Houma Today
BP spill health effects need to be tracked: experts. Reuters
Mexico registers smallest migration of Monarch butterflies in 17 years. Latin American Herald Tribune
On Florida trip, Obama vows to restore oil-hit Gulf. Reuters
Alabama AG sues BP, others over Gulf oil spill. Associated Press
Gulf fishermen: oil tainted our waters, our trust. Reuters
Greenhouse gas cap proposal aired at Santa Fe hearings. New Mexico Independent
Wind turbine will generate power, interest, on Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Scientists dispute government claims about oil spill. Dallas Morning News
Shrimping season in La. reopens after spill. Associated Press
In La., signs of regrowth seen in oiled marshes. Associated Press
Feds taking closer look at abandoned wells. Thibodaux Daily Comet
President Barack Obama supports directing most BP oil spill penalties to Gulf Coast restoration. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Cleaned of oil, birds return to the wild. Thibodaux Daily Comet
Storm delays BP relief well by 2-3 days. Reuters
Oiled crabs stoke fears spill is tainting food web. Associated Press
Spill investigators want to find undersea evidence. Associated Press
Oil spill enters new phase: restoring the Gulf, learning from the disaster. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Construction of sand berms continues on Louisiana coast. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Scientists think Gulf can recover. Associated Press
Do dispersants pose a risk in seafood? New York Times
Report: Only one quarter of oil left in Gulf. Associated Press
Interior official: Drill ban may be lifted early. Associated Press
Judge waiting to consider halting Ark. coal plant. Associated Press
Dead zone as big as Massachusetts along coast of Louisiana and Texas, scientists say. New Orleans Times-Picayune
172 million gallons spilled in Gulf, officials say. Associated Press
Gulf seafood declared safe; fishermen not so sure. Associated Press
Citing tests, EPA says it was wise to use oil dispersant. New York Times
Oiled marshes are growing back, scientists say. Thibodaux Daily Comet
Some oil cleanup activity slowed. Shreveport Times
When will the oil be completely gone? Maybe never. McClatchy Newspapers
Salazar keeps oil drill ban, for now. Associated Press
Gulf of Mexico oil spill is just the latest blow for Delacroix: Part one of four. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Gulf of Mexico has long been dumping site. New York Times