Scientists say global warming is continuing. Associated Press
California, New Mexico and 3 Canadian provinces outline regional cap-and-trade program. Los Angeles Times
Plankton, base of ocean food web, in big decline. Associated Press
Energy bill would tax oil firms to fight spills, promote natural gas trucks. Dallas Morning News
Wind drives growing use of batteries. New York Times
Oil industry is driving force behind Proposition 23’s attack on California’s new greenhouse gas regulation. Los Angeles Times
Offshore drilling legislation is in express lane in Congress. New Orleans Times-Picayune
Obama says he still supports climate legislation. Associated Press
Reid unveils pared-down energy and oil bill. Associated Press
Temperatures hit record highs globally. El Nino or global warming? Christian Science Monitor
US wind energy popular, but lacks investment. CNET
Senate halts effort to cap CO2 emissions. Wall Street Journal
Climate scientist Stephen Schneider dead at 65. Associated Press
Utilities and environmentalists haggle over climate bill. New York Times
Republicans oppose broad US energy bill: McConnell. Reuters
Climate bill would reduce US GDP by $452 billion, Energy Department says. Bloomberg
Renewables see ‘resilient growth’ in 2009. BBC
Senate climate bill falls short of Copenhagen aim. Reuters
Cap-and-trade law can’t pass, Senator Rockefeller says. Bloomberg
Pollution fight cools climate talks. Politico
Lloyds adds its voice to dire ‘peak oil’ warnings. Guardian
Obama seeks $5 billion to create clean-energy jobs. Bloomberg
Scientists say we’d better get used to sweating out heat waves. Associated Press
EPA poised to broaden greenhouse gas rule. The Hill
Rapid ice loss continues through June. National Snow and Ice Data Center report
CBO report: Kerry’s climate bill would cut deficit by $19b. Boston Globe
Global heat wave hits US, reignites climate change debate. Christian Science Monitor
Climategate scientists cleared of manipulating data on global warming. Guardian
Dow Chemical standing apart from industry on cap and trade. ClimateWire
Gulf oil spill: Obama administration argues for drilling moratorium. Los Angeles Times
EPA to crack down on interstate pollutants from power plants. McClatchy Newspapers
Agency agreed wildlife risk from oil was ‘low.’ New York Times
Dutch agency admits mistake in UN climate report. Associated Press
China fears consumer impact on global warming. New York Times
France to shut half its coal-fed power plants, curb energy use. Bloomberg
Report: Oceans’ deteriorating health nearing ‘irreversible.’ McClatchy Newspapers
Activists beg Obama to step up climate push. New York Times
Bingaman ‘dubious’ about prospects for utility-focused climate plans. The Hill
2009 sees no growth in CO2; first time since 1992. Associated Press
Obama gives $2 billion to solar plants. Associated Press
EPA finalizes CO2 rule on mines, landfills. Reuters
Senators predict a climate bill capping emissions only for utilities. Washington Post
Potentially harmful chemicals used in Pa. drilling. Associated Press
Goodbye MMS: Oil regulating agency gets makeover. Associated Press
Tesla shares soar in IPO. Los Angeles Times