Ex-Dallas Mayor Laura Miller lobbies for tax credits for clean coal plants. Dallas Morning News
Texas finalizes plan to expand wind lines. Reuters
CPS hopes for nuke plant growing.San Antonio Express-News
Coleto coal-fired plant raises questions / Residents concerned about water levels, hope for more jobs. Victoria Advocate
Austin proposes nation’s largest solar array / Cost of power from 30-megawatt plant raises concerns among city’s manufacturers. Austin American-Statesman
Waco legislator Averitt calls for green energy incentives. Houston Chronicle
U.K. urges Texas to address global warming / Organizers of conference at Capitol use gentle persuasion in pushing for action. Austin American-Statesman
Global warming and Texas, redux.Austin American-Statesman
Austin lawyer seeks to attract more alternative energy projects. Austin American-Statesman
Big changes with mass transit eyed.San Antonio Express-News
Texas plugs in to plug-in hybrids.Wall Street Journal
Car emissions order could affect Texas motorists. Houston Chronicle
Tenaska draws mixed reaction.Abilene Reporter-News
Panel to assess Houston’s readiness for disasters. Houston Chronicle
Coal, hard ash / A Tennessee spill prompts Texas concern. Texas Observer
Las Brisas describes opposition as ‘puzzling’. Corpus Christi Caller-Times
ERCOT: Texans used 1.7% more electricity in 2008. Dallas Morning News
More coal ash regulation? / Temple Daily Telegraph
Nuclear fallout / Thought reactors were anachronisms? So did some concerned Glen Rose folks. Fort Worth Weekly
Bill would offer tax credits to promote clean coal plants in Texas.Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Easier being green / Despite tough times, energy conservation bills gain traction in Legislature. Dallas Observer
Damage from Ike threatens Galveston Seawall. Houston Chronicle
Holes left in wake of storms / Ike hit before some Texas communities recovered from Rita. Houston Chronicle
Storm measures high on Texas lawmakers’ agenda. Houston Chronicle
Texas industries set sights on a slice of the stimulus pie. Austin American-Statesman
House Democrats’ stimulus plan features energy efforts that could help Texas. Dallas Morning News
Debate flares over how to cut greenhouse gases. Houston Chronicle
Seliger proposes clean coal bill.Amarillo Globe-News
Nuclear expansion a go – with or without CPS. San Antonio Express-News
Study: Ike gets nearly half of Harris County homes. Associated Press
Texas drought worsens, cattle dying.Associated Press
Birds’ future unclear after Ike destroys habitat. Galveston County Daily News
Beach restoration key to Galveston’s recovery. Houston Chronicle
Officials: End of energy partnership does not mean Riesel coal plant construction coming to a halt. Waco Tribune-Herald
T. Boone Pickens seeks stimulus funds to convert trucks to natural gas. Dallas Morning News
Mayor airs push for wind power.Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Texas Legislature to revive clean coal debate. Dallas Morning News
Tenaska’s opposition: Sweetwater gathering focuses on concerns about proposed plant. Abilene Reporter-News
Windstorm fund a leading issue at Capitol. Associated Press
Nuclear power’s core of support gains strength. Houston Chronicle
Abilene firm at forefront of alternative energy. Abilene Reporter-News
Exxon CEO advocates emissions tax. Wall Street Journal
Exxon CEO doubts Obama’s alternative energy goal. Reuters
Gas fight: T. Boone Pickens and FedEx square off. Wall Street Journal
Green Builders in the deep red.Austin Business Journal
Energy farm along coast starting to harvest wind. San Antonio Express
‘Desperate’ Galveston seeks help from Texas Legislature. Houston Chronicle
Blown over: Galveston and Texas Gulf Coast struggle after Hurricane Ike. Dallas Observer
Las Brisas gets initial approval on air permit. Corpus Christi Caller-Times
West Texas wind projects on track while other areas experience slowdown. Abilene Reporter
T. Boone Pickens likes odds for his energy plan. Houston Chronicle
Hardberger’s ‘Mission Verde’ not impossible. San Antonio Current
City’s chief ‘green’ official blends his background in electrical engineering with his drive to save money and solve problems. Houston Chronicle
Supporters outnumber protesters at hearing on proposed EFH nuclear reactors. Dallas Morning News
The Texas Speaker’s race and the environment. Austin American-Statesman
Officials seek public comments on proposed Comanche Peak expansion. Fort Worth Star-Telegram
French firm hungry for Rice technology. Houston Business Journal
More grackles gliding into area. San Angelo Standard-Times
Area wind farms up and running.McAllen Monitor
Dynegy pulls out of coal deal.Houston Chronicle
2008: A warm and dry year. NBC 5 News
New bill would cut greenhouse gases emitted from Texas refineries.KHOU 11 News
Continental jetliner to test biofuels.Houston Chronicle
Lending woes push alternative energy to back burner. Houston Chronicle
Session may be tinted green. San Antonio Express-News
Energy demand is down sharply – and could stay that way. Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Electricity study embraces energy efficiency for state. Houston Chronicle
Local green energy advocates say they’re ready and waiting. San Antonio Express-News